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Installing the tools

Install cli tools

In this workshop, you will deploy Kratix on a local Kubernetes cluster, and deploy Kratix workloads on another Kubernetes cluster. You will need the following tools:

  1. kratix CLI / Kratix Command-line Tool:
    Used to build the Promise in Part II.
    See Kratix CLI documentation page for installation instructions.

  2. kind CLI / Kubernetes-in-Docker (KinD):
    Used to create and manage local Kubernetes clusters in Docker.
    See the quick start guide to install.

  3. docker CLI / Docker:
    Used to orchestrate containers. kind requires that you have Docker installed and configured.
    See Get Docker to install.

  4. kubectl / Kubernetes command-line tool:
    The CLI for Kubernetes—allows you to run commands against Kubernetes clusters.
    See the install guide.

  5. yq / YAML parsing command-line tool:
    The CLI for Kubernetes—allows you to run parse and transform YAML files. This is only used in Part II.
    See the install guide.

  6. mc / MinIO Client:
    The CLI for MinIO—allows you to run commands against MinIO clusters.
    See the install guide.

  7. git / Git:
    The CLI for Git—allows you to clone the Kratix repository.
    See the install guide.


You can run the workshop without KinD. Ideally, you will have access to two Kubernetes clusters.

One cluster will be the Platform cluster, where Kratix will be installed. Whenever you see --context kind-platform, replace it with the context of your platform cluster.

The other worker will be the Worker cluster. Whenever you see --context kind-worker, replace it with the context of your worker cluster.

If you want to try it on a single cluster, you can omit the --context flag and argument entirely.

Docker Resources

In order to complete all tutorials in this series, you must allocate enough resources to Docker. Ensure you allocate at least:

  • 5 CPU
  • 12GB Memory
  • 4GB swap

This can be managed through your tool of choice (e.g. Docker Desktop, Rancher, etc).

You are now ready to create the clusters for the workshop!