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Creating the clusters

One of the most powerful Kratix features is the ability platform teams have to fully control the scheduling of work across extensive and diverse infrastructure, i.e. to determine in which Kubernetes cluster (or other infrastructure) a certain workload should be deployed to. Kratix leverages the GitOps toolkit to deliver this capability.

Kratix itself runs in Kubernetes. The first step in getting Kratix up and running is to create a Kubernetes cluster where you can install it. In this workshop, you will use kind to run Kubernetes clusters locally.


You can run the workshop without KinD. Ideally, you will have access to two Kubernetes clusters.

One cluster will be the Platform cluster, where Kratix will be installed. Whenever you see --context $PLATFORM, replace it with the context of your platform cluster.

The other worker will be the Worker cluster. Whenever you see --context $WORKER, replace it with the context of your worker cluster.

If you want to try it on a single cluster, you can omit the --context flag and argument entirely.

Within the Kratix repository, you will find two KinD configuration files that will make it easier to interact with the clusters. Start by cloning the repository locally:

git clone
cd kratix

You can now create the Platform cluster with the following command:

# make sure there are no clusters running
kind delete clusters --all

kind create cluster \
--name platform \
--image kindest/node:v1.27.3 \
--config config/samples/kind-platform-config.yaml

The Platform cluster is the Kubernetes cluster where Kratix will be installed. It will also be the cluster where the Platform team will manage the Kratix configuration.

Although it is possible to schedule workloads to the Platform cluster, it is not generally where most of the workloads will be deployed to. More often, platform teams will have a dedicated set of clusters (and other varied infrastructure) where the requested services will actually run. In this workshop, you will use a second cluster to simulate this scenario. Whenever you read Worker cluster in the workshop, it will refer to this second cluster.

Create the Worker cluster with the following command:

kind create cluster \
--name worker \
--image kindest/node:v1.27.3 \
--config config/samples/kind-worker-config.yaml

To make it easier to interact with both clusters, set the PLATFORM and WORKER environment variables with each cluster context:

export PLATFORM="kind-platform"
export WORKER="kind-worker"

You can validate your clusters are running with the cluster-info command:

kubectl --context $PLATFORM cluster-info
kubectl --context $WORKER cluster-info

which should give an output similar to:

Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at

Kubernetes control plane is running at
CoreDNS is running at

Install the Platform Prerequisites


Kratix requires cert-manager to be installed in the cluster. Cert-manager is a Kubernetes add-on that automates the management and issuance of TLS certificates from various issuing sources.

To install it, run the following command:

kubectl --context $PLATFORM apply --filename

You can validate cert-manager is running with the following command:

kubectl --context $PLATFORM get pods --namespace cert-manager

which should give an output similar to:

NAME                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
cert-manager-7476c8fcf4-r8cnd 1/1 Running 0 19s
cert-manager-cainjector-bdd866bd4-7d8zp 1/1 Running 0 19s
cert-manager-webhook-5655dcfb4b-54r49 1/1 Running 0 19s

MinIO as the GitOps Repository

As mentioned before, Kratix leverages GitOps for deploying and reconciling scheduled workloads. That means that Kratix needs a backing service to serve as the state store. Kratix supports two types of state stores: S3-compatible buckets and Git repositories. In this workshop, you will use a MinIO instance running in the platform cluster as the state store. In productions environment, you will probably use a Git repository or a S3-compatible bucket in a cloud provider.

To install MinIO in the platform, run:

# from the root of the Kratix repository
kubectl --context $PLATFORM apply --filename config/samples/minio-install.yaml

The above command will:

  • Deploy an instance of MinIO on the kratix-platform-system namespace
  • Create a Secret with the MinIO credentials
  • Run a Job to create a bucket called kratix on the MinIO instance.

You can verify the installation by running:

kubectl --context $PLATFORM get deployments --namespace kratix-platform-system

The above command will give an output similar to:

minio 1/1 1 1 1h

You can also verify the Create Bucket job:

kubectl --context $PLATFORM get jobs

The above command will give an output similar to:

minio-create-bucket 1/1 3m5s 1h

Once the Job completes, you should be able to see the kratix bucket in the MinIO instance using the mc CLI:

# configure the mc CLI to use the MinIO instance
mc alias set kind http://localhost:31337 minioadmin minioadmin

# list the buckets
mc ls kind/

The above command will give an output similar to:

[2021-10-13 15:10:00 CEST]     0B kratix/

You platform cluster is now ready to receive Kratix!

Install the Worker prerequisites

Kratix schedules workloads to Destinations. For this workshop we will be using a Kubernetes cluster as our Destination by writing a state declaration (following the Kubernetes declare-and-converge pattern) to a designated State Store. When it comes to reconciling the declared state on the Destination cluster, Kratix remains agnostic about the specific tool to be used on the clusters. In this tutorial, you will utilise Flux on the Destination cluster, and configure it to reconcile the state from the MinIO bucket.

To install and configure Flux, run the following script from the Kratix repository:

./scripts/install-gitops --context $WORKER --path worker-cluster

The script above will:

  • Install Flux
  • Create a new Flux Bucket Source
  • Create two Flux Kustomizations

The Flux Kustomizations are responsible for continuously reconciling with the state declared in the Source.

If you are curious to know what this script does, or would prefer to configure the worker cluster yourself, take a look at the section below.

Configuring the cluster: the manual way

If you prefer to configure the worker cluster manually, follow the steps below.

Install Flux on the worker cluster:

kubectl --context $WORKER apply --filename

Next, Flux must be configured to read from the MinIO bucket. For that, you will create a new Flux Bucket Source, together with a Secret containing the bucket credentials.


You may notice that the value of the Bucket endpoint on the document below is set to

Flux now needs to access MinIO across clusters, so you will need to use an externally available endpoint. will often be the address of the platform cluster running on KinD. You can confirm this address with the following command:

docker inspect platform-control-plane | grep '"IPAddress": "172' | awk -F '"' '{print $4}'

The above command will give an output similar to:

If the command above outputs a different IP, make sure to update the Bucket configuration below accordingly.

The port part of the endpoint should always be 31337. Verify the NodePort of the MinIO service in the platform cluster:

kubectl --context $PLATFORM get services minio --namespace kratix-platform-system

The above command will give an output similar to:

minio NodePort <none> 80:31337/TCP 1h

Create the Flux Source Bucket (and Secret):

cat <<EOF | kubectl --context $WORKER apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: minio-credentials
namespace: flux-system
type: Opaque
accesskey: minioadmin
secretkey: minioadmin
kind: Bucket
name: kratix
namespace: flux-system
interval: 10s
provider: generic
bucketName: kratix
endpoint: # make sure to read the caution box above
insecure: true
name: minio-credentials

The above command will give an output similar to:

secret/minio-credentials created created

This tutorial will not dive into details of how to configure Flux Sources, but please read on their documentation if you are curious.

Once the Bucket Source is created, validate that Flux can reach the bucket:

kubectl --context $WORKER get --namespace flux-system

The above command will give an output similar to:

NAME            ENDPOINT           AGE     READY   STATUS
kratix 1h True stored artifact: revision 'sha256:some-sha'

Next, you must tell Flux what to do with this Source. Flux does continuous delivery through the Kustomize Controller. You can define a Flux Kustomization that watches for a Source and reconciles on events.

Create the Flux Kustomizations:

cat <<EOF | kubectl --context $WORKER apply --filename -
kind: Kustomization
name: kratix-worker-dependencies
namespace: flux-system
interval: 8s
prune: true
kind: Bucket
name: kratix
path: ./worker-cluster/dependencies
kind: Kustomization
name: kratix-worker-resources
namespace: flux-system
interval: 3s
prune: true
- name: kratix-worker-dependencies
kind: Bucket
name: kratix
path: ./worker-cluster/resources

The above command will give an output similar to: created created

You will notice that there are two Kustomizations created. When scheduling workloads, Kratix will separate the documents based on their GVK (Group, Version, Kind):

  • All dependencies (i.e. the Custom Resource Definition as defined here) will be written to a specific dependencies path within the State Store.
  • All other documents will be written to a specific resources path within the State Store.

Later when you register the cluster as a Destination, Kratix will use the cluster's namespace and name to build the full path for that cluster within the State Store.

The first Kustomization above is for dependencies (CRDs), while the second is for the other resources (note the spec.path). You can also note that the kratix-worker-resources depends on the kratix-worker-dependencies. That's to avoid failures when a resource documents uses a GVK being defined by a CRD document.

For further details on the naming convention for the buckets and paths, check the documentation. For more on Kustomizations, check the Flux docs page

Wait for Flux to start:

kubectl --context $WORKER get deployments --namespace flux-system --watch

The above command will give an output similar to:

NAME                      READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
helm-controller 1/1 1 1 10m
kustomize-controller 1/1 1 1 10m
notification-controller 1/1 1 1 10m
source-controller 1/1 1 1 10m

Once the Ready column reports 1/1, press Ctrl+C to exit the watch mode.

At this stage, your environment looks like this:

Deployed resources after installing the prerequisites
Current installation

You are now ready to move to Part I and install Kratix!