Syntasso Kratix Enterprise (SKE) is the commercial version of Kratix. It includes all the features of Open-Source Kratix plus:
- Enterprise-grade, business-hours support
- Long-lived, at-scale testing
- Fully supported Backstage integration
- Fully supported Terraform Enterprise & HCP Terraform integration
- Secure software base images
- Secure software supply chain validation
- A package of core Promises, with support (under development)
- Key enterprise integrations (under development)
To install and manage your SKE installation, we recommend using the SKE Operator. The SKE Operator is a Kubernetes operator that manages the installation and upgrading of Syntasso Kratix Enterprise.
The following sections will show you how to install and configure SKE.
- In Configuring SKE, you will learn how to install and manage Syntasso Kratix Enterprise using the SKE Operator.
- In SKE Operator, you will find documentation for the Operator itself.