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The easiest way to get started with SKE is to use the SKE CLI.

The CLI will install the SKE Operator and configure it to deploy SKE on your cluster.

To install SKE on your Kubernetes cluster via the CLI, follow the steps below.


The SKE CLI needs access to the private registry which Syntasso Kratix Enterprise images are distributed through. Support for installing SKE in air-gapped environments instead using the SKE CLI is coming soon.

In the meantime, you can follow the setup for air-gapped environments instructions, and then install using Helm or by directly applying the manifests.

Installing the SKE CLI

Instructions for installing the SKE CLI can be found here.

Installing SKE

To install the SKE Operator and a SKE instance, run:

ske install --access-token $SKE_LICENSE_TOKEN

By default Syntasso Kratix Enterprise requires cert-manager to be installed on the cluster. Please refer to its documentation for installation instructions.

If you wish to install SKE without cert-manager, you can do so by following the Helm Installation instructions.

Verify the installation

Once installation is complete you can verify what has been installed by running:

ske get version

You should see the following output (or similar):

Latest Available:
SKE Operator: v0.2.0; SKE Deployment: v0.3.0

SKE Operator: v0.2.0; SKE Deployment: v0.3.0

To verify that the Operator and SKE are healthy, run the following command:

kubectl get deployments.apps --namespace kratix-platform-system

You should see the following output:

NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
kratix-platform-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 1h
ske-operator-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 1h

You can now proceed with the configuration of Kratix (i.e. registering destinations or installing promises). For that, refer to the appropriate guide.


To upgrade your SKE instance via the CLI, you can run:

ske upgrade

By default, the SKE Operator will perform the following steps:

  1. Run the pre-upgrade checks to check that Kratix is safe to upgrade in its current state.
  2. Upgrade your Kratix Deployment to the new version.
  3. Wait for the Kratix Deployment to become healthy (ready and available).

Upgrade checks

The SKE Operator will perform pre-upgrade checks as part of the upgrade flow.

To skip these checks, you can use the --skip-all-checks flag when starting an upgrade:

ske upgrade --skip-all-checks

Skipping checks can be useful when you need to upgrade SKE while its current state is unhealthy.


The SKE CLI has a default 5-minute timeout for monitoring an upgrade. This can be configured by using the --timeout flag:

ske upgrade --timeout 10m0s

The SKE CLI timeout is only enforced while monitoring an upgrade. Timing out on the CLI will not fail the upgrade, and progress can still be monitored by checking the status of the Kratix resource.