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Installation via Helm

Syntasso Kratix Enterprise images are distributed through a private image registry. To install SKE on your Kubernetes cluster, follow the steps below.

Install SKE operator


Syntasso Kratix Enterprise requires cert-manager to be installed on the cluster. Please refer to its documentation for installation instructions.

To install SKE operator using the Helm chart, start by adding the Syntasso Helm repository:

helm repo add syntasso
helm repo update

Next, install the SKE Operator:

helm install ske-operator syntasso/ske-operator \
--namespace kratix-platform-system \
--create-namespace \
--set skeDeployment.enabled=true \
--set skeDeployment.version=v0.3.0
Alternative installation method

If you prefer not to use Helm, you can install the SKE operator by applying the manifests directly.

First, create the namespace where the SKE operator will be installed:

kubectl create namespace kratix-platform-system

Then, create a secret with your license token:

kubectl create secret docker-registry syntasso-registry \
--namespace=kratix-platform-system \ \
--docker-username=syntasso-pkg \
--docker-password=<YOUR TOKEN>

The manifests are available in the Syntasso Releases Page. Find the latest release and apply it with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f

With the Operator in place, you can now install Kratix Enterprise by creating a 'Kratix' instance. Below is an example 'Kratix' instance definition:

kind: Kratix
name: kratix-example
name: # name of the bucket containing Kratix Enterprise releases; optional
region: # region of the bucket; optional
path: # subpath within the bucket; optional
version: v0.3.0 # version of Kratix Enterprise to install; default to the latest release found in release bucket

You can save the 'Kratix' instance definition to a local file and apply with kubectl. SKE operator will then install Kratix Enterprise and its necessary configurations.

By default, when spec.releasesBucket is not set, SKE operator will use the Syntasso Enterprise releases bucket. Note that 'Kratix' is a cluster scoped and singleton resource.

Only one instance of Kratix can be installed in a cluster.

Verify the installation

To verify that Kratix Enterprise has been installed successfully, run the following command:

kubectl get deployments.apps --namespace kratix-platform-system

You should see the following output:

NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
kratix-platform-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 1h
ske-operator-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 1h

You can now proceed with the configuration of Kratix (i.e. registering destinations or installing promises). For that, refer to the Open-Source Kratix documentation.


Upgrading the Operator

To verify the version of the Operator installed, run the following command:

helm list

You should see the following output:

NAME            NAMESPACE    [...]    CHART                   APP VERSION
ske-operator default [...] ske-operator-0.8.0 v0.1.1

To check the available versions of the Operator, run the following command:

helm search repo syntasso/ske-operator --versions

To upgrade, run:

helm upgrade ske-operator syntasso/ske-operator # --version <VERSION>
Not using Helm?

Refer to the alternative installation method summary box above to upgrade the operator without Helm.

Upgrading the SKE Instance

To upgrade the version of SKE being deployed by the operator, you can edit your Kratix instance definition and change the version field to the desired version.

Upgrades from a version vX.Y.Z to vX.Y+2.Z are not supported. You must upgrade to vX.Y+1.Z first.


Deleting the SKE Operator

To delete the SKE operator (and any deployed SKE instance), run the following command:

helm uninstall ske-operator

Deleting the SKE Instance

To delete the SKE instance, run:

kubectl -n kratix-platform-system delete kratix <INSTANCE_NAME>

Air-gapped installations

To deploy the SKE Operator in air-gapped environments, you need to ensure that your Platform cluster has access to the following resources:

  • An image registry containing both the SKE Operator and the SKE images
  • A location where the SKE Distribution manifests can be found

The following sections detail how both resources can be set up.

Image Registry

The SKE Operator and SKE images are stored in the GitHub Container Registry (GHCR). To deploy SKE in an air-gapped environment, you need to mirror the images to a private registry.

You must ensure that the following images are mirrored and tagged according to the version.

Platform and Pipeline Adapter tags

The tags for the ske-platform and the ske-platform-pipeline-adapter images are the same and must match the version of the SKE deployment you wish to install.

You can find the available versions of the images in the Syntasso Enterprise Releases page.


You can use a tool like Skopeo to simplify the process of mirroring images.

SKE Manifests

The manifests for SKE deployments are available in the Syntasso Enterprise Releases page.

If you are deploying SKE in an air-gapped environment, you need to download the manifests and make them available to the SKE Operator in a S3-compatible bucket that's accessible from the Platform cluster.

Setting up your Platform cluster

Depending on your environment configuration, you may need to create the secrets the Operator will use to access both the Image Registry and the Bucket. Those credentials must exist in the kratix-platform-system namespace.


You may need to, first, create the namespace:

kubectl create namespace kratix-platform-system

To create the Image Registry secret, run:

kubectl create secret docker-registry <PULL SECRET NAME> \
--namespace "kratix-platform-system" \
--docker-username="yourusername" \
--docker-password="yourpassword" \

To create the Bucket secret, run:

kubectl create secret generic <BUCKET SECRET NAME> \
--namespace kratix-platform-system \
--from-literal=accessKeyID="youraccesskey" \

Deploying the SKE Operator

Once you have the images mirrored and the manifests available, you can deploy the SKE Operator with Helm by providing the necessary configuration. Please check the Helm chart values file for a complete list of configuration options.

helm install ske-operator syntasso/ske-operator \
--namespace kratix-platform-system \
--set skeLicense=<YOUR LICENSE TOKEN> \
--set imageRegistry.imagePullSecret=<PULL SECRET NAME> \
--set imageRegistry.skeOperatorImage.tag=<OPERATOR IMAGE TAG> \
--set<BUCKET NAME> \
--set releasesBucket.path=<BUCKET PATH> \
--set releasesBucket.region=<BUCKET REGION> \
--set releasesBucket.endpoint=<BUCKET ENDPOINT> \
--set releasesBucket.secretName=<BUCKET SECRET NAME> \
--set skeDeployment.enabled=true \
--set skeDeployment.version=v0.3.0

Most of the configuration options are optional. You only need to provide the ones that you have customised to your environment.