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Installation via Helm

Syntasso Kratix Enterprise images are distributed through a private image registry. To install SKE on your Kubernetes cluster, follow the steps below.

Install SKE operator



Syntasso Kratix Enterprise requires cert-manager to be installed on the cluster unless your are configuring custom certificates. Please refer to its documentation for installation instructions.

To install SKE operator using the Helm chart, start by adding the Syntasso Helm repository:

helm repo add syntasso
helm repo update

Configuring your values

Helm can accept values via the a values file. Refer to the examples below for common configuration options. Any configuration should be placed in a values.yaml file that is then passed in to the helm install command.


You can see all available configuration in the helm chart repository.

Required configuration

skeLicense: LICENSE # provided to you by Syntasso

SKE version

The Helm chart version determines what version of the SKE Operator is installed. To configure the version of SKE that the operator will install, you can use the skeDeployment.version field as shown below.

version: v0.99.0

Mirrored Image Registry

Add this configuration to your helm values file if you are following the air-gapped setup instructions for a self-hosted Image Registry.

host: ""
imagePullSecret: "my-secret"
name: "syntasso/ske-operator"
name: "syntasso/ske-platform"
name: "syntasso/ske-platform-pipeline-adapter"

Mirrored Release Storage

Add this configuration to your helm values file if you are following the air-gapped setup instructions for a self-hosted Release Storage.

path: "ske" # the path within the bucket that contains the SKE Versions
name: "syntasso-enterprise-releases"
region: "eu-west-2"
name: "my-secret" # the secret must be created in the same namespace as the operator. It must contain the following keys: accessKeyID, secretAccessKey. If provided below it is automatically created
values: # optional: if you've not pre-created the secret, you can instead provide the values below and the helm chart will create it for you
accessKeyID: "my-access"
secretAccessKey: "my-secret"
Suggested starter values.yaml file
skeLicense: your-token-here
version: latest
Example air-gapped values.yaml file

To use this example, please set all values to your specific environment

  skeLicense: your-token-here
version: latest
host: ""
imagePullSecret: "my-secret"
name: "syntasso/ske-operator"
name: "syntasso/ske-platform"
name: "syntasso/ske-platform-pipeline-adapter"
path: "ske"
branch: main
name: git-creds # the secret must be created in the same namespace as the operator. It must contain the following keys: username, password. If provided below it is automatically created
username: "my-username" # instead of providing a secretName you can provide the username and password directly
password: "my-password"

Configuring TLS Certificates for SKE Operator and Deployment

By default, the SKE Operator and the SKE instance it deploys use cert-manager to manage TLS certificates for their webhooks. This default setup requires no additional configuration. However, if you prefer not to use cert-manager, you can disable it and manually provide your own TLS certificates.

To disable cert-manager and supply your custom certificates, update your configuration as follows:

disabled: true
webhookCACert: |
webhookTLSKey: |
webhookTLSCert: |

enabled: true
disabled: true
webhookCACert: |
webhookTLSKey: |
webhookTLSCert: |

Both the SKE Operator and SKE Deployment require valid TLS certificates for their webhook servers to securely communicate with the Kubernetes API. Below are the DNS names that must be included in the TLS certificates for each component.

The TLS certificate for the SKE Operator's webhook server must cover the following DNS names:

  • ske-operator-webhook-service.kratix-platform-system.svc
  • ske-operator-webhook-service.kratix-platform-system.svc.cluster.local

The TLS certificate for the SKE Deployment's webhook server must cover the following DNS names:

  • kratix-platform-webhook-service.kratix-platform-system.svc
  • kratix-platform-webhook-service.kratix-platform-system.svc.cluster.local

Installing the Operator

Next, install the SKE Operator:

helm install ske-operator syntasso/ske-operator \
--namespace kratix-platform-system \
--create-namespace \
--wait \
--values values.yaml # This is optional. Only use if you are configuring custom values.
Alternative installation method

If you prefer not to use Helm, you can install the SKE operator by applying the manifests directly.

First, create the namespace where the SKE operator will be installed:

kubectl create namespace kratix-platform-system

Then, create a secret with your license token:

kubectl create secret docker-registry syntasso-registry \
--namespace=kratix-platform-system \ \
--docker-username=syntasso-pkg \
--docker-password=<YOUR TOKEN>

The manifests are available in the Syntasso Releases Page. Find the latest release and apply it with kubectl:

kubectl apply -f<VERSION>/ske-operator-distribution.yaml

With the Operator in place, you can now install Kratix Enterprise by creating a 'Kratix' instance. Below is an example 'Kratix' instance definition:

kind: Kratix
name: kratix-example
version: # version of Kratix Enterprise to install; default to the latest release found in release bucket

You can save the 'Kratix' instance definition to a local file and apply with kubectl. SKE operator will then install Kratix Enterprise and its necessary configurations.

By default, when spec.releaseStorage is not set, SKE operator will use the Syntasso Enterprise releases bucket.


'Kratix' is a cluster scoped and singleton resource.

Only one instance of Kratix can be installed in a cluster.

Verify the installation

To verify that Kratix Enterprise has been installed successfully, run the following command:

kubectl get deployments.apps --namespace kratix-platform-system

You should see the following output:

NAME                                 READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
kratix-platform-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 1h
ske-operator-controller-manager 1/1 1 1 1h

You can now proceed with the configuration of Kratix (i.e. registering destinations or installing promises). For that, refer to the Open-Source Kratix documentation.


Upgrading the Operator

To verify the version of the Operator installed, run the following command:

helm list

You should see the following output:

NAME            NAMESPACE    [...]    CHART                   APP VERSION
ske-operator default [...] ske-operator-0.8.0 v0.1.1

To check the available versions of the Operator, run the following command:

helm search repo syntasso/ske-operator --versions

To upgrade, run:

helm upgrade ske-operator syntasso/ske-operator \
--version <CHART VERSION> --values values.yaml
Not using Helm?

Refer to the alternative installation method summary box above to upgrade the operator without Helm.

Upgrading the SKE Instance

To upgrade the version of SKE being deployed by the operator, you can edit your Kratix instance definition and change the version field to the desired version.

Upgrades from a version vX.Y.Z to vX.Y+2.Z are not supported. You must upgrade to vX.Y+1.Z first.


Deleting the SKE Operator

To delete the SKE operator (and any deployed SKE instance), run the following command:

helm uninstall ske-operator

Deleting the SKE Instance

To delete the SKE instance, run:

kubectl -n kratix-platform-system delete kratix <INSTANCE_NAME>