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Deleting a Resource

To delete a Resource, run:

kubectl delete <Promise CRD> <Resource Name>

Replace <Promise CRD> with the targeted Promise and <Resource Name> with the Resource you want to delete.

To find the Promise CRD, run:

kubectl get crds

To find the Resource Name, run:

kubectl get <Promise CRD>

Alternatively you can delete a Resource by providing the Resource definition file:

kubectl delete --filename resource-request.yaml

If the Promise contains a Resource Delete workflow, it will also be run during the delete process.


All workloads created by the Resource are applied to the end destinations using GitOps.

This mean that when Kratix deletes the workloads, it is removing their definitions from the Destination's State Store, and is delegating the responsibility to actually delete them from the destination infrastructure to GitOps (or other deployment solution) on the destinations.

This results in a small delay between the resources being declared as deleted and them being deleted on the end destination infrastructure.