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kratix update api

Command to update promise API


Command to update promise API


kratix update api --property PROPERTY-NAME:TYPE [flags]


# add a new property of type string to the API
kratix update api --property region:string

# add an integer 'port' property nested into a 'service' object
kratix update api --property service.port:integer

# removes the property from the API
kratix update api --property region-

# updates the API group and the Kind
kratix update api --group --kind Database

# updates the version and the plural form
kratix update api --version v1beta3 --plural mydbs


-d, --dir string             Directory to read Promise from (default ".")
-g, --group string The API group for the Promise
-h, --help help for api
-k, --kind string The kind to be provided by the Promise
--plural string The plural form of the kind
-p, --property stringArray Property of the Promise API to update

See Also