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kratix add container

Adds a container to the named workflow


Adds a container to the named workflow


kratix add container LIFECYCLE/ACTION/PIPELINE-NAME --image CONTAINER-IMAGE [flags]


# LIFECYCLE is one of: promise, resource
# ACTION is one of: configure, delete

# add a new resource configure container to pipeline 'instance'
kratix add container resource/configure/instance --image syntasso/postgres-resource:v1.0.0

# add a new promise configure container to pipeline 'pipeline0', with the container name 'deploy-deps'
kratix add container promise/configure/pipeline0 --image syntasso/postgres-resource:v1.0.0 --name deploy-deps


-d, --dir string     Directory to read promise.yaml from. Default to current working directory. (default ".")
-h, --help help for container
-i, --image string The image used by this container.

See Also