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Writing a Promise


You need an installation of Kratix for this section. Click here for instructions

The simplest way to do so is by running the quick-start script from within the Kratix directory. The script will create two KinD clusters, install, and configure Kratix.

./scripts/ --recreate

You can run Kratix either with a multi-cluster or a single-cluster setup. The commands on the remainder of this document assume that two environment variables are set:

  1. PLATFORM representing the platform cluster Kubernetes context
  2. WORKER representing the worker cluster Kubernetes context

If you ran the quick-start script above, do:

export PLATFORM="kind-platform"
export WORKER="kind-worker"

For single cluster setups, the two variables should be set to the same value. You can find your cluster context by running:

kubectl config get-contexts

Refer back to Installing Kratix for more details.

In this tutorial, you will

  1. learn more about what's inside a Kratix Promise
  2. write and install your own Kratix Promise

What's inside a Kratix Promise?

You've installed Kratix and a Promise. Now you'll create a Promise from scratch.

A Kratix Promise is a YAML document that defines a contract between the platform and its users. It is what allows platforms to be built incrementally.

It consists of three parts:

Kratix logo
  1. api: the API (in Kubernetes terms, the CRD) that application developers use to request a Resource from the Kratix Promise.
  2. dependencies: a collection of prerequisites that enable the creation of a Resource that must be pre-installed on any Destinations.
  3. workflows: a list of pipelines to be executed at different stages of the Promise lifecycle, like during the Promise installation or the creation of a new Resource. It contains the series of steps required by your business to provide the capability as-a-service.

Platform Team Journey

Thinking of your platform as-a-Product, steps to write a Promise are:

  • Talk to users of your platform to find out what they're using and what they need.
  • Determine what the API of the Promise should be.
    • What are the configuration options you want to expose to your users?
    • Do you need to provide low-level options or will the users be happy with higher-level abstractions?
  • In the Promise, write the api with the desired fields and validations.
  • Next, determine what the software dependencies are that you need to fulfils the Promise. You may find out you need a Kubernetes Operator running on the Destination cluster, for example.
  • In the Promise, add your dependencies in the dependencies.
  • Finally, determine the steps that need to be executed during the Promise's lifecycle. The minimum you'll need is a Workflow to configure your Resource which will run on creation. These may include translating the user's request into the Operator's expected document, injecting custom configuration, sending requests to internal APIs to verify permissions, scanning images for vulnerabilities, etc.
  • In the Promise, list those Workflows in the workflows.
  • Install the Promise on your platform cluster, where Kratix is installed.

Platform User Journey

To use the Promise once it is installed on the platform, a platform user will:

  • List the available Promises in the platform cluster to find what they want.
  • Write a request for the Resource, as defined by the api in the Promise.
  • Send the request to the Platform.

Fulfilling the Promise

At this point, Kratix will execute the following steps:

  • Kratix fires off the Workflows defined in workflows.resource.configure passing, the Resource definition as an input. This will be a Kratix Pipeline, responsible for running the necessary business processes to create the Resource. For further details on Pipelines, check the Pipeline reference documentation.
  • Once all Workflows are executed, a series of documents are outputted, encapsulating the user's request into valid Kubernetes objects.
  • Those documents are scheduled to an available Destination, which in turn has the necessary dependencies installed (via the Promise's dependencies field)
  • The necessary infrastructure is created and configured, and the user can reference any necessary details in the Resource status field (e.g. how to connect to a service).

Writing your own Kratix Promise

Imagine your platform team has received its fourth request from its fourth team for Jenkins. You decide four times is too many times to manually set up Jenkins.

Now you'll write a Jenkins Promise and install it on your platform so that your four teams get Jenkins; and you get time back for more valuable work.

This guide will follow the steps below:

Define Promise

  1. Prepare your environment, if required
  2. Set up your directories

Promise definition: api

  1. Custom Resource Definition: define your Promise API

Promise definition: workflows

  1. Create your base manifest
  2. Build a simple request pipeline
  3. Package your pipeline step as a Docker image
  4. Test your container image

Promise definition: dependencies

  1. Define your dependencies in your Promise definition

Test Promise

  1. Install your Promise
  2. Create and submit a Kratix request for a Resource
  3. Review of a Kratix Promise parts (in detail)
  4. Summary
  5. Clean up environment

Prepare your environment


If you completed the environment clean up steps at the end of the previous workshop chapter you're good to go!

If you did not clean up or ran into issues you can run the following from inside the Kratix repo to get a fresh environment:

./scripts/ --recreate

Also, make sure to that the following environment variables are set:

export PLATFORM="kind-platform"
export WORKER="kind-worker"

Directory setup

To quick-start your Promise, we have setup a template repository to start from.

You can start by forking the template repository or by cloning it directly.

git clone

If you'd like to save the Promise you will write, consider forking the template repository.

Once cloned, change into the directory:

cd workshop-promise-template/

Define your Promise API

For the purpose of this tutorial, you will create an API that accepts a single string parameter called name. In real world scenarios, the API can be as simple or as complex you design it to be. The Promise API is defined within the api of your Promise YAML.

Replace the api field in promise.yaml with the complete field details below. Ensure the indentation is correct (api is nested under spec).

api in promise.yaml
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
scope: Namespaced
plural: jenkins
singular: jenkins
kind: jenkins
- name: v1
served: true
storage: true
type: object
type: object
type: string

You have now defined the as-a-Service API.

Define your Workflows

Kratix provides several hooks for managing and customising the Promise's lifecycle. Those hooks are defined in the Promise workflows key. The minimum you need to define is what must happen when the platform receives a request for a new resource from the promised service. Refer to the Workflows reference documentation for further details.

The Kratix Pipeline kind provides an straightforward way to define Workflows. You could, however, use other tools (like Tekton) in your Workflows.

In a nutshell, a Kratix Pipeline is a series of containers that will be executed, in order. In this section, you will write and configure a Kratix Pipeline to be executed as part of the resource.configure Workflow.

Start by creating the container image that will must be executed as part of the pipeline.

Create your base manifest

The resource.configure Workflow will transform the user's request into the Kubernetes resources required to create a valid Jenkins service. To start, copy the YAML file below and save it in internal/configure-pipeline/jenkins-instance.yaml.

CLICK HERE to expand the contents of the jenkins-instance.yaml file.
kind: Jenkins
name: <tbr-name>
namespace: default
type: NodePort
port: 8080
nodePort: 30269
configurations: []
name: ""
configurations: []
name: ""
authorizationStrategy: createUser
disableCSRFProtection: false
- name: jenkins-master
image: jenkins/jenkins:2.396-jdk17
imagePullPolicy: Always
failureThreshold: 12
path: /login
port: http
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 100
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 10
path: /login
port: http
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 80
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 1
cpu: 1500m
memory: 3Gi
cpu: "1"
memory: 500Mi
value: "true"
- name: JAVA_OPTS
value: -Xmx2048m -XX:MinRAMPercentage=50.0 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=80.0 -Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false -Djava.awt.headless=true
- name: kubernetes
version: 3802.vb_b_600831fcb_3
- name: workflow-job
version: 1289.vd1c337fd5354
- name: workflow-aggregator
version: "2.6"
- name: git
version: 4.11.3
- name: job-dsl
version: 1.78.3
- name: configuration-as-code
version: 1569.vb_72405b_80249
- name: kubernetes-credentials-provider
version: 1.208.v128ee9800c04

Build a simple configure pipeline

Kratix takes no opinion on the tooling used within a pipeline. Kratix will pass a set of resources to the pipeline, and expect back a set of resources. What happens within the pipeline, and what tooling is used, is a decision left entirely to you.

For this example, you're taking a name from the Kratix Resource definition and passing it to the Jenkins custom resource output.

To keep this transformation simple, you'll use a combination of sed and yq to do the work.

Update the execute-pipeline script in the configure-pipeline directory with the contents below:


set -x

#Get the name from the Promise Custom resource
instanceName=$(yq eval '' /kratix/input/object.yaml)

# Inject the name into the Jenkins resources
find /tmp/transfer -type f -exec sed -i \
-e "s/<tbr-name>/${instanceName}/g" \
{} \;

cp /tmp/transfer/* /kratix/output/

Pipeline images also have the capability to write back information to the resource requester by writing to the status. See status documentation for more information.

Package your code as a Docker image

Update the Dockerfile in the configure-pipeline directory to contain the following:

FROM "mikefarah/yq:4"
RUN [ "mkdir", "/tmp/transfer" ]

ADD jenkins-instance.yaml /tmp/transfer/jenkins-instance.yaml
ADD execute-pipeline execute-pipeline

CMD [ "sh", "-c", "./execute-pipeline"]

Next build your Docker image. First lets give it a name. If you are not using KinD, you may need to push the image later on, in that case change the name to one suitable for your registry, e.g. if you use Docker Hub my-dockerhub-username/jenkins-configure-pipeline:dev

export PIPELINE_NAME=kratix-workshop/jenkins-configure-pipeline:dev

Then we can build the image

./internal/scripts/pipeline-image build

Test your image

Since the Pipeline contains a series of containers, we can easily test individual images in isolation. We can provide an example /kratix/input to mimic what Kratix would do when it executes the pipeline and assert that the correct /kratix/output is written.

To test this lets create a sample /kratix/input/object.yaml Resource definition in the internal/configure-pipeline/test-input/ directory with the contents below

kind: jenkins
name: my-promise-request
name: my-amazing-jenkins

Run the container, mounting the volumes

chmod 777 ./internal/configure-pipeline/test-output
docker run \
-v ${PWD}/internal/configure-pipeline/test-input:/kratix/input \
-v ${PWD}/internal/configure-pipeline/test-output:/kratix/output $PIPELINE_NAME

Verify the contents in the internal/configure-pipeline/test-output directory match the desired outcome. Note how the Jenkins correspond to the name on the Resource definition. This is exactly what we setup our pipeline to do!

The documents you see in the directory will be scheduled by Kratix to a Destination and deployed by the GitOps agent on the worker cluster once the pipeline is executed. They need to be valid Kubernetes resources that can be applied to any cluster with the Promise's dependencies installed (see below).

Once you are satisfied that your Pipeline is producing the expected result, you will need to make the container image available to your Kubernetes cluster. If you are using KinD you can load it in by running:

./internal/scripts/pipeline-image load
Click here if your clusters were not created with KinD

If you have not created your Kubernetes clusters with KinD, you will need to either:

  • Push the image to a Image repository (like Dockerhub) by running ./internal/scripts/pipeline-image push
  • Use the appropriate command to load the image (for example, minikube cache add if you are using minikube)

The final step of defining the Pipeline in the Promise workflows keys. Add the following to your promise.yaml file:

Add the image to the array in promise.yaml:

kind: Promise
name: promise
- apiVersion:
kind: Pipeline
name: instance-configure
- name: create-jenkins-instance
# update the image if you are using a custom name
image: kratix-workshop/jenkins-configure-pipeline:dev
api: ...
About Workflows

Although the example here is a simple one, Workflows are one the of most powerful features of Kratix.

The Workflow enables platform teams to deliver compelling developer experiences on the platform, fully customized to meet both the users' and the organization's needs.

Furthermore, Kratix Pipeline images can have their own development workflow, being fully tested and released on their own schedule. A well-designed image can also be reused across many Promises, reducing duplication.

In summary, you have:

  • Created a container image containing:
    • A template file to be injected with per-Resource details (jenkins-instance.yaml)
    • A shell script to retrieve the per-Resource details from the user's request, and inject them into the template (execute-pipeline)
  • Executed the image locally to validate its output
  • Loaded the image into the platform cluster (or pushed it to the registry)
  • Wrapped the image in a Kratix Pipeline and added it to the resource.configure Workflow.

Define the dependencies in your Promise definition

The dependencies describes everything required to fulfil the Promise. Kratix applies this content on all registered Destinations.

For this Promise, the dependencies needs to contain the Jenkins CRD and Operator.

Run the following commands to download the resource files

curl --output internal/dependencies/jenkins.io_jenkins.yaml --silent
curl --output internal/dependencies/all-in-one-v1alpha2.yaml --silent

The commands above will download the necessary files in the internal/dependencies directory. You are now ready to inject the Jenkins files into the promise.yaml.

To make this step simpler there is a very basic tool which grabs all YAML documents from a single directory and injects them correctly into the dependencies field in the promise.yaml.

To use this tool, you will need to download the correct binary for your computer from GitHub releases:

mkdir -p bin
curl -sLo ./bin/worker-resource-builder.tar.gz
tar -xvf ./bin/worker-resource-builder.tar.gz -C ./bin
mv ./bin/worker-resource-builder-v* ./bin/worker-resource-builder
chmod +x ./bin/worker-resource-builder

Once installed, you can see how to use the binary by running the following help command:

./bin/worker-resource-builder --help

The above command will give an output similar to:

Usage of ./bin/worker-resource-builder:
-resources-dir string
Absolute Path of k8s resources to build dependencies from
-promise string
Absolute path of Promise to insert dependencies into

Once you have downloaded and verified the correct binary, run:


Install your Promise

From your Promise directory, you can now install the Promise in Kratix.

At this point, your Promise directory structure should look like:

📂 workshop-promise-template
├── 📂 internal
│   ├──
│   ├── 📂 configure-pipeline
│   │   ├── Dockerfile
│   │   ├── execute-pipeline
│   │   ├── jenkins-instance.yaml
│   │   ├── test-input
│   │   │   └── object.yaml
│   │   └── test-output
│   │   └── jenkins-instance.yaml
│   ├── 📂 dependencies
│   │   ├── all-in-one-v1alpha2.yaml
│   │   └── jenkins.io_jenkins.yaml
│   └── 📂 scripts
│   ├── inject-deps
│   ├── pipeline-image
│   └── worker-resource-builder
├── promise.yaml
└── resource-request.yaml

Before installing your Promise, verify that Kratix and MinIO are installed and healthy.


Make sure you have PLATFORM and WORKER set in your environment:

export PLATFORM="kind-platform"
export WORKER="kind-worker"
kubectl --context $PLATFORM get pods --namespace kratix-platform-system

You should see something similar to

NAME                                                  READY   STATUS       RESTARTS   AGE
kratix-platform-controller-manager-769855f9bb-8srtj 2/2 Running 0 1h
minio-6f75d9fbcf-5cn7w 1/1 Running 0 1h

If that is not the case, please go back to Prepare your environment and follow the instructions.

From the promise directory, run:

kubectl apply --context $PLATFORM --filename promise.yaml

Verify the Promise is installed
(This may take a few minutes so --watch will watch the command. Press Ctrl+C to stop watching)

kubectl --context $PLATFORM get crds --watch

The above command will give an output similar to

NAME                                  CREATED AT 2021-09-09T11:21:10Z

Verify the Jenkins Operator is running
(This may take a few minutes so --watch will watch the command. Press Ctrl+C to stop watching)

kubectl --context $WORKER get pods --watch

The above command will give an output similar to

NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
jenkins-operator-6c89d97d4f-r474w 1/1 Running 0 1m

Create and submit a request for a Resource

You can now request a Jenkins. Create a file in the root directory called resource-request.yaml with the following contents:

kind: jenkins
name: my-promise-request
name: my-amazing-jenkins

You can now send the request to Kratix:

kubectl apply --context $PLATFORM --filename resource-request.yaml

Applying the Kratix Promise will trigger your configure Workflow steps which in turn requests a Jenkins instance from the operator. While the pipeline can run quite quickly, Jenkins requires quite a few resources to be installed including a deployment and a runner which means the full install may take a few minutes.

You can see a bit of what is happening by first looking for your pipeline completion

kubectl --context $PLATFORM get pods

This should result in something similar to

NAME                                       READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
configure-pipeline-promise-default-9d40b 0/1 Completed 0 1m

For more details, you can view the Pipeline logs with

kubectl logs \
--context $PLATFORM \
--selector \
--container create-jenkins-instance

This should result in something like

+ yq eval /kratix/input/object.yaml
+ instanceName=my-amazing-jenkins
+ find /tmp/transfer -type f -exec sed -i -e 's/<tbr-name>/my-amazing-jenkins/g' '{}' ';'
+ cp /tmp/transfer/jenkins-instance.yaml /kratix/output/

Then you can watch for the creation of your Jenkins by targeting the worker cluster:
(This may take a few minutes so --watch will watch the command. Press Ctrl+C to stop watching)

kubectl --context $WORKER get pods --all-namespaces --watch

The above command will eventually give an output similar to

NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
jenkins-my-amazing-jenkins 1/1 Running 0 1m

For verification, access the Jenkins UI in a browser, as in previous steps.

Let's now take a look at what you have done in more details.

Kratix Promise parts: in details


The api is your user-facing API for the Promise. It defines the options that users can configure when they request the Promise. The complexity of the API is up to you. You can read more about writing Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs) in the Kubernetes docs.


The dependencies describes everything required to fulfil the Promise. Kratix applies this content on all registered Destinations. For instance with the Jenkins Promise, the dependencies contains the Jenkins CRD, the Jenkins Operator, and the resources the Operator requires.


The workflows describes a set of actions to run in response to actions that affect the lifecycle of a Promise, such as creating Resources or deleting the Promise itself.

You have configured the instance.configure lifecycle hook to run a Kratix Pipeline. In the pipeline, you defined an array of container images that will be executed in order, in response to a Resource being created or updated.

Once all images are executed, Kratix will schedule any document outputted by the pipeline to a worker cluster.


You have now authored your first Promise. Congratulations 🎉

To recap the steps we took:

  1. ✅  api: Defined your Promise API as a Custom Resource Definition
  2. ✅  Created your Resource base manifest
  3. ✅  workflows: Built a simple pipeline step for Resource configuration
  4. ✅  Packaged the pipeline step as a Docker image
  5. ✅  Tested the Docker image
  6. ✅  dependencies: Defined what needs to be present on your Destinations to fulfil this Promise
  7. ✅  Installed your Kratix Promise
  8. ✅  Created and submitted a request for the promised Resource
  9. ✅  Reviewed the components of a Promise

Clean up environment

To clean up your environment first delete the requests for the Jenkins

kubectl --context $PLATFORM delete --filename resource-request.yaml

Verify the resources belonging to the Resources have been deleted in the worker

kubectl --context $WORKER get pods

Now the Resources have been deleted you can delete the Promises

kubectl --context $PLATFORM delete --filename promise.yaml

Verify that the Dependencies are deleted from the worker

kubectl --context $WORKER get pods

🎉   Congratulations!

✅   You have written a Kratix Promise.
👉🏾   Let's add a new Destination.